Dra. Margarita Rocca
Investigadora Adjunta – CONICET
LIMA ÉLISON FABRÍCIO ; ZAMAR MARÍA INÉS; GRECO NANCY; ROCCA MARGARITA. The Neotropical genus Lenkothrips (Thysanoptera: Heterothripidae): additions to the faunas of Argentina and Brazil with an updated key to species. ZOOTAXA; Lugar: Auckland; Año: 2024
ALONSO, MARIÁNGELES; GUISONI, NARA; ROCCA, MARGARITA; GRECO, NANCY. To move or not to move: Dispersal of Orius insidiosus in strawberry plants. ENTOMOLOGIA EXPERIMENTALIS ET APPLICATA; Año: 2024
MANFRINO, ROMINA G.; ROCCA, MARGARITA. Susceptibility of Orius insidiosus to Beauveria bassiana , Akanthomyces muscarius , and Cordyceps fumosorosea and their effects on predator behavior. ENTOMOLOGIA EXPERIMENTALIS ET APPLICATA; Año: 2024
MONTIEL CÁCERES, ROCÍO; ROCCA, MARGARITA; LUNA, MARÍA GABRIELA. Laboratory evaluation of the feeding behavior of the generalist predatory mirid bug Tupiocoris cucurbitaceus (Hemiptera: Miridae) for the biological control of Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). REVISTA DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS AGRARIAS DE LA UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE CUYO; Lugar: Mendoza; Año: 2024
DÍAZ-LUCAS, MARÍA FLORENCIA; MAZA, NOELIA; KIRSCHBAUM, DANIEL SANTIAGO; ROCCA, MARGARITA; GRECO, NANCY MABEL. The potential of the hoverfly Allograpta exotica as a biological control agent of the strawberry aphid Chaetosiphon fragaefolii. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY; Año: 2023
RIZZO, MARÍA ESTEFANÍA; SALVO, ADRIANA; ROCCA, MARGARITA; GRECO, NANCY. Spatial and temporal cooccurrence among Neotropical native coccinellids and the exotic Harmonia axyridis. PHYTOPARASITICA; Año: 2022
MONTIEL CÁCERES, ROCÍO; SALAS GERVASSIO, NADIA G.; MINGHETTI, EUGENIA; DELLAPÉ, PABLO M.; LUNA, MARÍA G.; ROCCA, MARGARITA. Heteropteran Bugs Assemblage Associated to Organic Tomato Farms: Knowledge for Pest Management. NEOTROPICAL ENTOMOLOGY; Año: 2022
SALAS AUGUSTO; RUSCONI JOSÉ MATÍAS; ROOCA MARGARITA; DÍAZ LUCAS MARÍA FLORENCIA; BALCAZAR DARÍO ; ACHINELLY MARÍA FERNANDA. A new wild strain of Caenorhabditis elegans associated to Allograpta exotica (Syrphidae) in Argentina: an update of its ecological niche and worldwide distribution. ANAIS DA ACADEMIA BRASILEIRA DE CIENCIAS.; Lugar: Rio de Janeiro; Año: 2022
ROCCA MARGARITA; DÍAZ LUCAS, MARÍA FLORENCIA; GRECO NANCY. Effect of spatiotemporal association and trophic interactions between aphidophagous coccinellids towards aphid control. ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY; Lugar: Lanham; Año: 2021
FRANCESENA NATALIA; ARNEODO JOEL; ROCCA MARGARITA; GRECO NANCY. Exploring the factors involved in the absence of parasitism of Chaetosiphon fragaefolii (Hemiptera: Aphididae) by generalist parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in strawberry. BIOCONTROL (DORDRECHT); Lugar: Berlin; Año: 2020
DÍAZ LUCAS, MARÍA FLORENCIA; PASSARELLI, LILIAN M.; AQUINO, DANIEL A.; MAZA, NOELIA; GRECO, NANCY; ROCCA, MARGARITA. Spatio-temporal variation of predatory hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) and their relationship with aphids in organic horticultural crops in La Plata, Buenos Aires. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina; Año: 2020
PASCUA, MARIANA; ROCCA MARGARITA; GRECO NANCY; DE CLERCQ PATRICK. Typha angustifolia L. pollen as an alternative food for the predatory mite Neoseiulus californicus. Systematic And Applied Acarology; Año: 2020 vol. 25 p. 51 - 62
ROCCA MARGARITA; RIZZO ESTEFANÍA; GRECO NANCY. Larval interactions between two aphidophagous coccinellids in sweet pepper. ANAIS DA ACADEMIA BRASILEIRA DE CIENCIAS.; Lugar: Rio de Janeiro; Año: 2020 vol. 92
FRANCESENA NATALIA; ROCCA MARGARITA; RIZZO ESTEFANÍA; ARNEODO JOEL; GRECO NANCY. Potential of predatory Neotropical ladybirds and minute pirate bug for biological control of strawberry aphid. ANAIS DA ACADEMIA BRASILEIRA DE CIENCIAS.; Lugar: Rio de Janeiro; Año: 2019
PASCUA, MARIANA S; ROCCA, MARGARITA; DE CLERCQ, PATRICK; GRECO, NANCY M. Host Plant Use for Oviposition by the Insidious Flower Bug (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae). JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY; Año: 2018
RIZZO ESTEFANÍA; ROCCA MARGARITA; GRECO NANCY. Depredación intragremio coincidente de coccinélidos sobre Aphidius matricariae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) en berenjena. Acta Zoologica Lilloana; Lugar: San Miguel de Tucumán; Año: 2018 vol. 62 p. 128 - 130
ROCCA, MARGARITA; RIZZO, ESTEFANÍA; GRECO, NANCY; SÁNCHEZ, NORMA. Intra- and interspecific interactions between aphidophagous ladybirds: the role of prey in predator coexistence. ENTOMOLOGIA EXPERIMENTALIS ET APPLICATA; Año: 2017 vol. 162 p. 284 - 292
ROCCA MARGARITA; MESSELINK GERBEN. Combining lacewings and parasitoids for biological control offoxglove aphids in sweet pepper. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY; Lugar: Londres; Año: 2016 p. 1 - 9
ROCCA MARGARITA; GRECO NANCY. Structure of the tortricid-parasitoid community in blueberry crop recently introduced in Argentina. NEOTROPICAL ENTOMOLOGY; Año: 2015 vol. 44 p. 553 - 559
ROCCA M.; BROWN J.W. New host records for four species of tortricid moths (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) on cultivated blueberries, Vaccinium corymbosum (Ericaceae), in Argentina. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON; Lugar: Washington, D.C.; Año: 2013 vol. 115 p. 167 - 172
N. CABRERA; M. ROCCA. First records of Chrysomelidae (Insecta, Coleoptera) on blueberries in Argentina: new associations between native chrysomelids and an exotic crop. REVISTA DE LA SOCIEDAD ENTOMOLÓGICA ARGENTINA; Lugar: Mendoza; Año: 2012 vol. 71 p. 45 - 55
M. ROCCA; N. GRECO. Sampling plans for aphids and their parasitoids in blueberry fields in Argentina. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PEST MANAGEMENT; Lugar: Londres; Año: 2012 vol. 58 p. 321 - 330
ROCCA MARGARITA; GRECO NANCY. Diversity of herbivorous communities in blueberry crops of different regions of Argentina. ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY; Lugar: Lanham; Año: 2011 vol. 40 p. 247 - 259
PARADELL, S; ROCCA M.; DEFEA, B. Primer registro de Syncharina lineiceps (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) en la Argentina. Clave para el reconocimiento de las especies del género. REVISTA DE LA SOCIEDAD ENTOMOLÓGICA ARGENTINA; Lugar: Mendoza; Año: 2011 p. 1 - 7
ROCCA MARGARITA; GRECO NANCY; MAREGGIANI GRACIELA. Abundance of Icerya purchasi Maskell (Hemiptera: Margarodidae) and its parasitoid Cryptochaetum iceryae (Diptera: Cryptochaetidae) in Argentina blueberry crops. ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY; Lugar: Lanham; Año: 2009 vol. 38 p. 380 - 386
SAPARRAT, M.C.N; ROCCA, M.; AULICINO, M.; ARAMBARRI, A.M.; BALATTI, P.A. Celtis tala and Scutia buxifolia leaf debris and the relationship of their decay to physical-chemical parameters and lignocellulolytic enzyme activity of fungi in the water soluble fraction. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOIL BIOLOGY; Año: 2008 vol. 44 p. 400 - 407
MAREGGIANI GRACIELA; RUSSO SERAFINA; ROCCA MARGARITA. Eucalyptus globulus (Mirtaceae) essential oil: efficacy against Aphis gossypii (Hemiptera: Aphididae), an agricultural pest. REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE QUIMICA; Lugar: Naucalpan de Juárez; Año: 2008 vol. 36 p. 34 - 38
ROCCA, MARGARITA; MARIOTTINI YANINA. Especies de acridios (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) asociados al cultivo de arándano (Vaccinium corymbosum) en Concordia, Entre Ríos, Argentina. BOLETIN DE SANIDAD VEGETAL. PLAGAS; Lugar: Madrid; Año: 2008 vol. 34 p. 37 - 43