Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos
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Recursos Humanos - Lic. María Florencia Díaz Lucas - Artículos

Lic. María Florencia Díaz Lucas

Becaria Doctoral – CONICET
DÍAZ LUCAS MA FLORENCIA; MAZA NOELIA; DANIEL SANTIAGO KIRSCHBAUM; ROCCA MARGARITA; GRECO NANCY. The potential of the hoverfly Allograpta exotica as a biological control agent of the strawberry aphid Chaetosiphon fragaefolii. Journal of Applied Entomology; Año: 2023
SALAS AUGUSTO; RUSCONI MATIAS; ROCCA MARGARITA; DÍAZ LUCAS MA FLORENCIA; BALCAZAR DARIO; ACHINELLY FERNANDA. A new wild strain of Caenorhabditis elegans associated with Allograpta exotica (Syrphidae) in Argentina: an update of its ecological niche and worldwide distribution. ANAIS DA ACADEMIA BRASILEIRA DE CIENCIAS.; Lugar: Rio de Janeiro; Año: 2022
SALAS AUGUSTO; RUSCONI MATIAS; ROCCA MARGARITA; DÍAZ LUCAS MA FLORENCIA; BALCAZAR DARIO; ACHINELLY FERNANDA. A new wild strain of Caenorhabditis elegans associated with Allograpta exotica (Syrphidae) in Argentina: an update of its ecological niche and worldwide distribution. ANAIS DA ACADEMIA BRASILEIRA DE CIENCIAS.; Lugar: Rio de Janeiro; Año: 2021
ROCCA MARGARITA; DÍAZ LUCAS MA FLORENCIA; GRECO NANCY. Effect of Spatiotemporal Association and Trophic Interactions Between Aphidophagous Coccinellids Toward Aphid Control. ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY; Lugar: Lanham; Año: 2021
DÍAZ LUCAS MA FLORENCIA; PASSARELLI LILIAN M; AQUINO DANIEL A; MAZA NOELIA; GRECO NANCY; ROCCA MARGARITA. Spatio-temporal variation of predatory hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) and their relationship with aphids in organic horticultural crops in La Plata, Buenos Aires. Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina; Año: 2020 vol. 79 p. 15 - 22
CEPAVE // Boulevard 120 s/n entre Av. 60 y Calle 64 C.P. 1900 / Mail: cepave@cepave.edu.ar – La Plata – Buenos Aires – Argentina