Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos
y de Vectores
Recursos Humanos - Sr. Matías Nicolás Rosales - Artículos

Sr. Matías Nicolás Rosales

Técnico Asociado – CICPBA
ELICECHE, DAIANA P.; ROSALES, MATIAS N.; ACHINELLY, MARIA F.. Factors affecting the fitness of an entomopathogenic nematode (Heterorhabditis bacteriophora SUP strain) for use in biocontrol in a horticultural area of Argentina. NEMATOLOGY.: BRILL ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS. 2021 vol.24 n°2. p181 - 191. issn 1388-5545.
ELICECHE, DAIANA; RUSCONI, MATÍAS; ROSALES, MATÍAS; SALAS, AUGUSTO; ACHINELLY, FERNANDA. Field assay using a native entomopathogenic nematode for biological control of the weevil Phyrdenus muriceus in organic eggplant crops in Argentina. BIOCONTROL (DORDRECHT).: SPRINGER. 2020. issn 1386-6141.
RUSCONI, JOSE M.; DI BATTISTA, CRISTIAN; BALCAZAR, CRISTIAN; ROSALES, MATIAS N.; ACHINELLY, MARIA F.. Amphimermis enzoni n. sp. (Nematoda: Mermithidae) parasitizing damselflies and dragonflies in Argentina. JOURNAL OF NEMATOLOGY.: SOC NEMATOLOGISTS. 2020. issn 0022-300X.
CEPAVE // Boulevard 120 s/n entre Av. 60 y Calle 64 C.P. 1900 / Mail: cepave@cepave.edu.ar – La Plata – Buenos Aires – Argentina